Clean Sport 101 Course- Life Time


This anti-doping course is designed for athletes and athlete support personnel to learn and understand the policies and rules around anti-doping. Equipped with this information, you should feel confident, safe, and prepared for your anti-doping responsibilities.

This anti-doping course is designed for athletes and athlete support personnel to learn and understand the policies and rules around anti-doping. Equipped with this information, you should feel confident, safe, and prepared for your anti-doping responsibilities. By the conclusion of the course, you should:

♦ Understand the purpose and importance of clean sport
♦ Be prepared for and informed about anti-doping processes and policies, as well as Athlete and Athlete Support Personnel's rights and responsibilities
♦ Become familiar with categories of prohibited substances and methods, how to apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE), the process for collecting urine and blood samples, athlete Whereabouts, reporting suspected doping, risks associated with dietary supplement use, and the results management process
♦ Identify resources to make educated decisions
♦ Become an informed advocate of and participant in clean sport


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